Employment & Workplace Relations

From advertising vacant positions to termination or redundancy, we protect your business by ensuring compliance with regulations to minimise commercial and reputation risk.


What We Do

Understand the Legislation

As an employer, you need to ensure that your workplace is free from physical and psychosocial hazards and that you provide your people with accurate and fair entitlements in line with relevant legislation. We minimise your exposure to Fair Work Commission claims by keeping your leaders up-to-date with requirements, and can advise you on how to best use these guidelines to protect your business from poor performance and other behavioural issues, such as improper email usage.

Implement the Right Controls

We work with you to ensure you have the fundamentals in place, like contracts, agreements, documents, policies and procedures, to protect yourself and your business. Our expansive legally-compliant document library enables us to tailor documents quickly to suit your needs, saving you time and resources. To aid in compliance we then go one step further to communicate expectations, requirements and where to find relevant documentation to your staff, so people understand their obligations.

Advocacy & Representation

Our team has advocated for employers on various issues, representing the business's best interests in negotiations to resolve issues fairly and quickly. Our goal is to keep your business out of the commission and free from industrial action, keeping your operations moving forward with minimal commercial and reputation risk.

  • Employee Relations Management
  • Labor Law Compliance Termination and Exit Management
  • ER / IR Training
  • IR Strategies & Frameworks (i.e. Award interpretation and negotiations)
  • Contract Management Business Management Systems and Policies
  • Tender support - inputs for IR, HR, ER, etc.
  • Union Relations
  • Enterprise Bargaining & Negotiations
  • Mediation & Dispute Resolution
  • Policy Development and Implementation
  • Redundancies & Restructuring Advice
  • Representation & support at the Fair Work Commission
  • Transmission of business
  • Working from home business obligations – i.e. insurance, ergonomics, domestic violence etc.

What We Do

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Contact us to discuss your HR needs.